Welcome to Middle School
ASM’s Middle School (Grades 6-8) is for children aged 11 to 14. Students are encouraged to own their learning through problem-solving and collaboration. Each day, they have Community Time for activities that support their academic and social-emotional development. Each student takes six core classes in Middle School: English, Science, Mathematics, History, Spanish, and Physical Education. In September 2022, Music became a required class in Grades 6 and 7. Students serve our school and local community by joining service groups such as Embajadores and Caring Hands.
Course Descriptions
- Grade 6 Course of Study
- Grade 7 Course of Study
- Grade 8 Course of Study
- World Languages
- Visual Arts Exploratory Classes
- Performing Arts Exploratories
- Humanities Exploratories
- STEM Exploratory Classes
- Learning Support Classes
Grade 6 Course of Study
Humanities 6
In Humanities 6, students wrestle with the essential questions of what it means to be human and how the past influences the present. Identity, culture, and history are studied and analyzed within coming-of-age and historical fiction book club units. Students will write across the narrative, informational, and opinion genres. From personal narrative to literary essays to informational writing across transdisciplinary projects, students collaborate with their peers and teachers to hone their craft. The Social Studies component of this class uses American-centric historical content to teach conceptually driven units on Culture, Movement and Revolution. Students read and analyze fiction, informational, and opinion texts related to the themes and time periods. These are differentiated based on students’ ability levels and taught through the workshop approach. The Humanities model provides the opportunity to explore personal stances on big ideas and centers on deeper learning by examining and analyzing the causal nature of history.
Primary Resources: Flying the Dragon by Natalie Dias Lorenzi; Social Studies Alive America’s Past; supplemental texts and numerous fiction and non-fiction titles
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Grade 5
Length of Course: 1 year
Integrated Math 6
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Grade 5.
Length of Course: 1 year
Science 6
Prerequisite: Successful completion of grade 5
Length of Course: 1 year
Physical Education and Health 6
Prerequisite: Successful completion of grade 5
Length of Course: 1 year
Choir (Grades 6, 7, 8)
This course provides students with an opportunity to be involved in a well-rounded musical setting. Students study music of various periods, genres, and styles. Students will learn and perform traditional choral repertoire as well as popular and folk music from around the world. By studying a wide range of choral music, students will grow as musicians and performers and will improve their knowledge of basic music theory and sight singing. Students will learn both solo singing and group singing skills. Students will perform at several concerts throughout the school year and will also have the opportunity to audition for various honor choir festivals which take place throughout the year, including the AMIS Honor Boys Choir Festival (Lisbon, Portugal), AMIS Honor Girls Choir Festival (Milan, Italy), and the MAIS Honor Choir Festival (Rome, Italy).
Primary Resources: Selected ensemble and solo repertoire
Prerequisite: Previous singing experience, or teacher recommendation/approval
Length of Course: One year
Band I (Beginner)
This year-long course is for students to learn to play a woodwind, brass, or percussion instrument. Students will learn how to assemble and care for their instrument, use proper tone production, and acquire correct playing technique. Students will continue to develop their ability to read music notation, and concepts taught in 5th-grade music, as well as cultivate new musical abilities geared toward “comprehensive musicianship” through the performance of varied literature for concert bands including rock, blues, pop and classical styles. Student learning units will be based on four standards: music literacy; performance skills; musicianship & reflection and; performance practice. Students perform three concerts for the ASM community.
Primary Resources: Tradition of Excellence Book 1, cloud-based music theory
software, and sheet music
Prerequisite: Students chose an instrument with teacher guidance/approval.
No playing experience necessary. The ability to read music notation will be helpful.
Length of Course: One year
Orchestra I (Beginner)
This year-long course for violin, viola, cello, and bass players will introduce students to their chosen instrument, provide them with basic technique, and lay the foundation for their instrumental music development. Throughout the year, this course will introduce students to more complex musical concepts geared toward “comprehensive musicianship” through the performance of challenging and varied literature for orchestra including rock, blues, pop and classical styles. Student learning units will be based on four standards: music literacy; performance skills; musicianship & reflection and; performance practice. Students perform three concerts for the ASM community. Individual growth and achievement are encouraged by taking private lessons.
Primary Resources: String Basics Method Book levels 1; Rhythm Basics Method
Book, level 1, selected ensemble repertoire, selected solo repertoire.
Prerequisite: Students choose their desired instrument with teacher guidance.
No prior experience is required.
Length of Course: One year
Español 6º Primaria (Native Spanish speakers)
Lengua y Cultura española
This is the sixth and final year of “Educación Primaria” (Grades 1-6), prior to the four years of “Educación Secundaria Obligatoria” (Grades 7-10). This course covers Spanish Language and Social Studies. The goal of this course, concerning language, is to review all the contents related to Spanish language, as seen in previous years, specifically focusing on morphology and grammar. This course also consolidates the four basic language skills: written and oral expression as well as reading and listening comprehension. Students will read a variety of texts (including independent reading books) to improve their reading comprehension. Throughout the year they will practice using literary conventions to become more efficient writers. Through Social Studies, the goal is to cover basic concepts of Spanish and European Geography, climate, population and institutions. This curriculum meets the requirements as set forth by the Spanish Ministry of Education.
DECRETO 61/2022, de 13 de julio Reference
Length of Course: 1 year
Spanish as a Foreign Language (SFL)
Español Lengua Extranjera (ELE)
The main objective of Spanish as a foreign language is to introduce students to the Spanish culture and enable them to achieve a level at which they will be able to participate in everyday activities using the Spanish language with sufficient fluency and accuracy. Students will be stimulated to develop an interest in learning Spanish and to build self-esteem and self-confidence with their ability to speak the language in and out of class. Classes are conducted in the target language. Students will be assessed and placed at their language level according to their proficiency in all four skills using the Common European Framework (CEFR).
MS Español 1 (A1 CEFR)
This course is designed for students with little to no experience with the Spanish language. Students will develop basic listening, oral, reading, and writing skills. Students will work towards achieving a level that will allow them to understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance, as well as to communicate in simple and routine tasks that require a simple and direct exchange of information. The course will cover and assess competence in listening, reading, speaking, and writing at a basic level. At the end of this course, students should be able to independently read and speak with accurate pronunciation and intonation. They should also be able to describe in simple terms aspects of their background, and immediate environment and express basic needs in writing and orally.
Prerequisite: Grade 5 placement test and teacher recommendation. An ASM placement test will be given to new students.
Length of Course: 1 or 2 years based on the student’s proficiency level at the end of
the course. Teachers will consider students’ eligibility to progress to the next level based on the standards. Students will need to have demonstrated proficiency in all standards of the course.
MS Español 2 (A2 CEFR)
This course builds upon the skills previously acquired in MS Español 1. Students will work towards understanding the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in school, leisure, and traveling. Students will work towards understanding and producing different written formats on topics that are familiar or are of personal interest. At the end of this course, they should be able to independently describe in writing and orally experiences and events, dreams, hopes, and ambitions, and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.
Primary Resources: Customized units; realia and extra materials.
Prerequisite: Grade 5 placement test and teacher recommendation. An ASM placement test will be given to new students.
Length of Course: 1 or 2 years based on the student's proficiency level at the end
of the course. Teachers will consider students’ eligibility to progress to the next level based on the standards. Students will need to have demonstrated proficiency in all standards of the course.
MS Español 3 (B1.1 CEFR)
This course is designed for students who master all four skills quite efficiently. In this course, students will work to be able to understand the main ideas of more complex texts and to be able to interact with a higher degree of fluency and spontaneity with native speakers. At the end of this course, students should be able to independently produce clear, more detailed texts on a wider range of topics and explain a viewpoint on a topic giving the advantages and disadvantages. Please note that only in extraordinary cases will grade 6 students be placed in this course. For developmental reasons, grade 6 students who are placed in this class will have to retake this course the following year.
Primary Resources: Customized units; realia and extra materials.
Prerequisite: Grade 5 placement test and teacher recommendation. An
ASM placement tests will be given to new students.
Length of Course: 2 years.
Grade 7 Course of Study
Humanities 7
Humanities 7 builds and extends off the strong foundation of skills and knowledge from Humanities 6. Anchored in the study of the Rise and Fall of Ancient Civilizations, students will explore why and how social scientists learn about a people, the role that innovation and technology play in a society’s development, and how literature, myth, and story uphold and reinforce a culture’s norms and values. The program of study emphasizes student inquiry, research, and reading and writing in all modalities. The literature component will focus on Myth, Fable, Short Stories and Poetry, with possible extensions in Fantasy and Science Fiction. The culmination of the Humanities 7 program will be in a student-created Capstone Project that will require students to apply all aspects of the content learned, including formal presentation of their findings.
Primary Resources: Various
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Humanities 6
Length of Course: 1 year
Science 7
The Middle School follows the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). In Middle School at ASM, we embrace that science is more than a collection of scientific facts; it is also a set of skills that help us question, discover, innovate, and refine our knowledge of the universe. Learning science is a process where we build skills and understandings over time. We value the “doing” of science: carrying out lab investigations, analyzing data, engineering design challenges, researching, and hosting exhibitions where we can communicate to the public our scientific discoveries and understandings. Science 7 uses a thematic approach to learning the skills of science and being a scientist; we explore life science (stimulus-response, body systems, biomolecules & nutrition, photosynthesis-cellular respiration matter cycle), physics (waves: sound & light), astronomy, and geology. In Science 7, students ask their questions and learn the process of scientific investigation. They learn how to write claim-evidence-reasoning including analyzing data, critiquing methods to collect this data, and how to use models to show understanding. During the year they complete a variety of student-led scientific investigations: experiments, engineering projects, and research assignments.
Primary Resources: Various
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Science 6
Length of Course:1 year
Integrated Math 7
In Integrated Math 7, we continue our conceptual-based learning approach, prioritizing inquiry and deep understanding of mathematical concepts. This approach is essential for students as it encourages them to explore the underlying principles of mathematics rather than simply memorizing procedures. By engaging in this method, students develop a robust mathematical foundation that prepares them for future mathematical endeavors. Moreover, we emphasize the development of strong mathematical communication and problem-solving skills. Students will learn to articulate their mathematical reasoning clearly, both verbally and in writing, and to collaborate effectively with peers to explore solutions collaboratively. These skills are vital in the real world, where mathematical proficiency extends beyond computation to include the ability to analyze, interpret, and communicate mathematical ideas effectively. Throughout the course, students will delve into essential topics such as transformations of geometric figures, proportional reasoning, solving equations, understanding irrational numbers, exploring probability, and interpreting data distributions. These conceptual understandings form the cornerstone of mathematical literacy and equip students with the tools they need to succeed in future mathematical endeavors and real-world applications.
Primary Resources: Various
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Math 6
Length of Course: 1 year
Physical Education and Health 7
The ASM Physical Education/Health program is designed to equip its students with the skills and knowledge necessary for achieving and maintaining healthy, productive lifestyles. Classes will focus on important life skills students need to learn and practice for the rest of their lives. The program promotes physical, mental, and social wellness. Physical Education classes will provide opportunities for the students to participate in team, dual, and individual learning experiences. Specific seasons are designed for each grade level to provide a complete Middle School program. These seasons are scheduled on a rotating basis with fitness development, personal, social, and responsibility levels (PSR) being central areas of focus. Assessments include PSR, development of fitness, performance, and understanding concepts. Health education is incorporated throughout the year as part of the physical education program. The program is designed to facilitate the development of skills, attitudes, and behaviors that lean towards healthy lifestyles and to prepare students to cope with our complex and constantly changing world.
All students must wear the ASM physical education uniform and bring a water bottle. The school will provide the equipment necessary for classes.
Primary Resources: None
Prerequisite: Successful completion of PE 6
Length of Course: 1 year
Middle School Choir (Grades 6, 7, 8)
This course provides students with an opportunity to be involved in a well-rounded musical setting. Students study music of various time periods, genres, and styles. Students will learn and perform traditional choral repertoire as well as popular and folk music from around the world. By studying a wide range of choral music, students will grow as musicians and performers and will improve their knowledge of basic music theory and sight singing. Students will learn both solo singing and group singing skills. Students will perform at several concerts throughout the school year and will also have the opportunity to audition for various honor choir festivals that take place throughout the year, including the AMIS Honor Boys Choir Festival, AMIS Honor Girls Choir Festival, and the MAIS Honor Choir Festival.
Primary Resources: Selected ensemble and solo repertoire; MusicFirst, a cloud-based at-home practice program.
Prerequisite: Previous singing experience, or teacher approval
Length of Course: One year
Band 2 (Intermediate)
This year-long course is for students experienced in playing an instrument to continue their development on a woodwind, brass, or percussion instrument. More advanced topics will include tone production in all registers and more advanced performance techniques. Students will continue to develop their ability to read music notation, and concepts taught in Band 1, as well as cultivate new musical abilities geared toward “comprehensive musicianship” through the performance of varied literature for concert bands including rock, blues, pop, and classical styles. Learning units will be based on four standards: music literacy; performance skills; musicianship & reflection and; performance practice. Students perform three concerts for the ASM community.
Primary Resources: Tradition of Excellence Book 2, cloud-based music theory
software, and sheet music
Prerequisite: One year of playing experience is necessary and the ability to read music notation
Length of Course: One year
Orchestra 2 (Intermediate)
This year-long course for violin, viola, cello, and bass players is a continuation of the skills learned in Orchestra 1. Students will continue working on their playing technique, and work toward building their skills in note-reading, analysis, and performance. Throughout the year, this course will introduce students to more complex musical concepts geared toward “comprehensive musicianship” through the performance of challenging and varied literature for orchestra including rock, blues, pop, and classical styles. Learning units will be based on four standards: music literacy; performance skills; musicianship & reflection and; performance practice. Students perform three concerts for the ASM community. Individual growth and achievement are encouraged by taking private lessons.
Primary Resources: String Basics Method Book level 2; Rhythm Basics Method Book, level 2, selected ensemble repertoire, selected solo repertoire.
Prerequisite: One year of playing experience is necessary and the ability to
read music notation.
Length of Course: One year
Español 1º ESO (Native Spanish Speakers)
Lengua y Cultura española
This is the first of four years of Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (grades 7-10). This course covers Spanish Language, Literature, and History. In language, the course focuses on a systematic reflection on the Spanish language, emphasizing communication, parts of speech analysis, reading, and writing. Regarding literature, this course will familiarize students with the different types of texts. This course will also provide an overview of the most relevant historical events in the Iberian Peninsula, from prehistoric times to Hispania Romana. Students will work on oral and written expression and comprehension as well as on becoming better readers. The Español 7 curriculum meets the requirements as set forth by the Spanish Ministry of Education.
Primary Resources: Customized units.
Decreto 65/2022, de 20 de julio
Lengua castellana y literatura 1º ESO, editorial Anaya
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Español grado 6
Length of Course: 1 year
Spanish as a Foreign Language (SFL)
Español lengua extranjera (ELE)
The main objective of Spanish as a foreign language is to introduce students into the Spanish culture, and enable them to achieve a level at which they will be able to participate in everyday activities using the Spanish language with sufficient fluency and accuracy. Students will be stimulated to develop an interest in learning Spanish and to build self-esteem and self-confidence with their ability to speak the language in and out of class. Classes are conducted in the target language. Students will be assessed and placed at their language level according to their proficiency in all four skills using the Common European Framework (CEFR).
MS Español 1 (A1 CEFR)
This course is designed for students with little to no experience with the Spanish language. Students will develop basic listening, oral, reading, and writing skills. Students will work towards achieving a level that will allow them to understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance, as well as to communicate in simple and routine tasks that require a simple and direct exchange of information. The course will cover and assess competence in listening, reading, speaking, and writing at a basic level. At the end of this course, students should be able to independently read and speak with accurate pronunciation and intonation. They should also be able to describe in simple terms aspects of their background, and immediate environment and express basic needs in writing and orally.
Primary Resources: Customized units; realia and extra materials
Prerequisite: None. An ASM placement test will be given to new students.
Length of Course: 1 or 2 years based on the student’s proficiency level at the end of
the course. Teachers will consider students’ eligibility to progress to the next level based on the standards. Students will need to have demonstrated proficiency in all standards of the course.
MS Español 2 (A2 CEFR)
This course builds upon the skills previously acquired in MS Español 1. Students will work towards understanding the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in school, leisure and traveling. Students will work towards understanding and producing different written formats on topics that are familiar or are of personal interest. At the end of this course, they should be able to independently describe in writing and orally experiences and events, dreams, hopes, and ambitions, and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.
Primary Resources: Customized units; realia and extra materials
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Español 1 and teacher
recommendation based on the student's proficiency. An ASM
placement test will be given to new students.
Length of Course: 1 or 2 years based on the student's proficiency level at the end
of the course. Teachers will consider students’ eligibility to progress to the next level based on the standards. Students will need to have demonstrated proficiency in all standards of the course.
MS Español 3 (B1.1 CEFR)
This course is designed for students who master all four skills quite efficiently. In this course, students will work to be able to understand the main ideas of more complex texts and to be able to interact with a higher degree of fluency and spontaneity with native speakers. At the end of this course, students should be able to independently produce clear, more detailed texts on a wider range of topics and explain a viewpoint on a topic giving the advantages and disadvantages.
Primary Resources: Customized units; realia and extra materials.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Español 2 and teacher recommendation based on student’s proficiency. An ASM placement test will be given to new students.
Length of Course: 1 or 2 years based on the student's proficiency level at the end
of the course. Teachers will consider students’ eligibility to progress onto the next level based on the standards. Students will need to have demonstrated proficiency in all standards of the course.
MS Español 4 (B1.2 CEFR)
This course is an extension of MS Español 3. It is designed for students who have a very solid command of Spanish to further their knowledge of the language and to consolidate the skills previously acquired in MS Español 3. Students will be required to understand a wide range of longer texts, as well as to express themselves fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions. Students will work towards using the language flexibly and effectively for academic purposes. At the end of this course, students should be able to independently produce clear, well-structured, and detailed oral and written texts on a variety of topics, showing controlled use of organizational patterns, grammatical structures, connectors, and vocabulary. The course will cover and assess competence in listening, reading, speaking, and writing in a wide range of styles. Please note that this course will be offered if there is a minimum number of students that qualify for it.
Primary Resources: Customized units; realia and extra materials
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Español 3 and teacher recommendation based on student’s proficiency. An ASM placement test will be given to new students.
Length of Course: 2 years.
Grade 8 Course of Study
Humanities 8
Humanities 8 builds on and extends the skills and knowledge from Humanities 6 and 7. Major concepts include the purpose, perspectives, and writing of History, the origins of individual and collective beliefs, notions about power, and finally, what happens when beliefs clash in Resistance. Students will engage with primary and secondary sources to conduct research design their inquiries and communicate their findings in debates, presentations, and in writing. Major literature units will investigate Contemporary Fiction, Memoir, and Dystopian Fiction.
Primary Resources: Various
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Humanities 6
Length of Course: 1 year
Integrated Math 8
In Integrated Math 8, our curriculum adopts a conceptual-based approach, emphasizing inquiry and deep understanding of mathematical concepts. Through this method, students develop not only procedural fluency but also a robust foundation in mathematical reasoning and problem-solving skills. We aim to cultivate mathematical literacy that extends beyond computation, empowering students to analyze, interpret, and communicate mathematical ideas effectively. Throughout the course, students will engage with essential topics such as solving equations, creating equations to model real-world scenarios, interpreting functions and their graphs, understanding geometric relationships, and applying the Pythagorean Theorem. Through exploration and application, students will develop a solid grasp of mathematical concepts and their practical significance, preparing them for further mathematical studies and real-world applications.
Primary Resources: Various
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Math 7
Length of Course: One year
Integrated Math 8 Extended
In Integrated Math 8 Extended, we delve even deeper into mathematical concepts, challenging students to engage in abstract thinking, work with multiple variables, and apply advanced problem-solving strategies. This course is designed for students who have demonstrated exceptional mathematical aptitude and a readiness for more complex mathematical challenges. Through rigorous exploration and inquiry, students will develop a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts and their interconnectedness. Topics covered include advanced equation solving, modeling with functions, analyzing functions using different representations, constructing and comparing linear and exponential models, and using coordinates to prove geometric theorems algebraically. Students will be encouraged to think critically, communicate their mathematical reasoning effectively, and apply mathematical concepts to novel and challenging problems. This course aims to cultivate advanced mathematical proficiency and prepare students for higher-level mathematics courses and future academic and professional pursuits.
Primary Resources: Various
Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation
Length of Course: One year
Science 8
While the Middle School follows the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). In Middle School at ASM, we embrace that science is more than a collection of scientific facts; it is also a set of skills that help us question, discover, innovate, and refine our knowledge of the universe. Learning science is a process where we build skills and understandings over time. We value the “doing” of science: carrying out lab investigations, analyzing data, engineering design challenges, researching, and hosting exhibitions where we can communicate to the public our scientific discoveries and understandings. Students in 8th-grade science will focus on the process of science as they learn more about the science and engineering practices and crosscutting concepts that guide scientific inquiry and help explain phenomena. Students will use these to investigate thematic units into the structure and properties of matter, natural selection and the theory of evolution, and forces and motion. Through these, students will hone their skills in collecting and analyzing data and using strong scientific reasoning to support a scientific claim. A key project is the participation in the 8th grade science fair where students will independently go through the scientific process to ask a great research question, do background research, design and conduct an experiment, and present their findings to the ASM community.
Primary Resources: Various
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Science 7
Length of Course: One year
Physical Education and Health 8
The ASM Physical Education/Health program is designed to equip its students with the skills and knowledge necessary for achieving and maintaining healthy, productive lifestyles. Classes will focus on important life skills students need to learn and practice for the rest of their lives. The program promotes physical, mental, and social wellness. Physical Education classes will provide opportunities for the students to participate in team, dual, and individual learning experiences. Specific seasons are designed for each grade level to provide a complete Middle School program. These seasons are scheduled on a rotating basis with fitness development, personal, social, and responsibility levels (PSR) being central areas of focus. Assessments include PSR, development of fitness, performance, and understanding concepts. Health education is incorporated throughout the year as part of the physical education program. The program is designed to facilitate the development of skills, attitudes, and behaviors that lean towards healthy lifestyles and to prepare students to cope with our complex and constantly changing world.
All students must wear the ASM physical education uniform and bring a water bottle. The school will provide the equipment necessary for classes.
Primary Resources: None
Prerequisite: Successful completion of PE 7
Length of Course: One year
Español 2º ESO (Native Spanish Speakers)
Lengua y Cultura española
This is the second of four years of Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (grades 7-10). This course covers the Spanish Language, Literature and History. In language, the course focuses on a systematic reflection on the Spanish language, reviewing parts of speech and placing emphasis on syntax analysis. Regarding literature, this course will familiarize students with the literary genre and an overview of Spanish literature.Students will work on oral and written expression and comprehension as well as on becoming better readers. This curriculum meets the requirements as set forth by the Spanish Ministry of Education.
Primary Resources: Customized units. Decreto 65/2022, de 20 de julio Lengua y literatura 2º ESO,
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Español Grado 7
Length of Course: One year
Spanish as a Foreign Language (SFL)
Español lengua extranjera (ELE)
The main objective of Spanish as a Foreign Language is to introduce students to the Spanish culture and enable them to achieve a level at which they will be able to participate in everyday activities using the Spanish language with sufficient fluency and accuracy. Students will be stimulated to develop an interest in learning Spanish and to build self-esteem and self-confidence with their ability to speak the language in and out of class. Classes are conducted in the target language. Students will be assessed and placed at their language level according to their proficiency in all four skills using the Common European Framework (CEFR).
Transition from MS Spanish courses to US Spanish courses
MS Español 1 (A1 CEFR) → US Español 1 (A1-A2 CEFR)
MS Español 2 (A2 CEFR)→ US Español 2 (A2-B1.1 CEFR)
MS Español 3 (B1.1 CEFR)→ US Español 3 (B1.1-B1.2 CEFR)
MS Español 4 (B1.2 CEFR) → US Español 4 (B1.2 - B2 CEFR)
MS Español 1 (A1 CEFR)
This course is designed for students with little to no experience with the Spanish language. Students will develop basic listening, oral, reading, and writing skills. Students will work towards achieving a level that will allow them to understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance, as well as to communicate in simple and routine tasks that require a simple and direct exchange of information. The course will cover and assess competence in listening, reading, speaking, and writing at a basic level. At the end of this course, students should be able to independently read and speak with accurate pronunciation and intonation. They should also be able to describe in simple terms aspects of their background, and immediate environment and express basic needs in writing and orally.
Primary Resources: Customized units; realia and extra materials.
Prerequisite: None
Length of Course: One year
Teachers will consider students’ eligibility to progress to the next level based on the standards. Students will need to have demonstrated proficiency in all standards of the course.
MS Español 2 (A2 CEFR)
This course builds upon the skills previously acquired in MS Español 1. Students will work towards understanding the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in school, leisure and traveling. Students will work towards understanding and producing different written formats on topics that are familiar or are of personal interest. At the end of this course, they should be able to independently describe in writing and orally experiences and events, dreams, hopes, and ambitions, and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.
Primary Resources: Customized units; realia and extra materials.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Español 1 and teacher recommendation based on student’s proficiency. An ASM placement test will be given to new students.
Length of Course: One year.
Teachers will consider students’ eligibility to progress to the next level based on the standards. Students will need to have demonstrated proficiency in all standards of the course.
MS Español 3 (B1.1 CEFR)
This course is designed for students who master all four skills quite efficiently. In this course, students will work to be able to understand the main ideas of more complex texts and to be able to interact with a higher degree of fluency and spontaneity with native speakers. At the end of this course, students should be able to independently produce clear, more detailed texts on a wider range of topics and explain a viewpoint on a topic giving the advantages and disadvantages.
Primary Resources: Customized units; realia and extra materials.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Español 2 and teacher recommendation based on student’s proficiency. An ASM placement test will be given to new students.
Length of Course: One year.
Teachers will consider students’ eligibility to progress to the next level based on the standards. Students will need to have demonstrated proficiency in all standards of the course.
MS Español 4 (B1.2 CEFR)
This course is an extension of MS Español 3. It is designed for students who have a near to native command of Spanish to further their knowledge of the language and to consolidate the skills previously acquired in Español 3 MS. Students will be required to understand a wide range of longer texts, as well as to express themselves fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions. Students will work towards using the language flexibly and effectively for academic purposes. At the end of this course, students should be able to independently produce clear, well-structured, and detailed oral and written texts on a variety of topics, showing controlled use of organizational patterns, grammatical structures, connectors, and vocabulary. The course will cover and assess competence in listening, reading, speaking, and writing in a wide range of styles. Please note that this course will be offered if there is a minimum number of students that qualify for it.
Primary Resources: Customized units; realia and extra materials.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Español 3 and teacher recommendation based on student’s proficiency.
An ASM placement test will be given to new students
Length of Course: One year
Teachers will consider students’ eligibility to progress to the next level based on the standards. Students will need to have demonstrated proficiency in all standards of the course.
World Languages
French 1 (Grades 7, 8 / Students in grade 6 need special permission)
This introductory course prepares students for the four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Major emphasis is put upon the development of the ability to read and speak with accurate pronunciation and intonation. This course is designed to teach the foundation of the French language. Students will learn the building blocks of French: the basic verbs, the feminine and plural, the present tense, etc. They will learn considerable vocabulary for authentic situations: how to meet and greet people, how to describe their family, talk about animals, clothing, weather, and so on. Interwoven into grammatical and vocabulary lessons are the vibrant culture of France and the rest of the French-speaking world. If a Grade 8 student decides to enroll in MS French I, he or she will take French I in the Upper School.
Primary Resources: Tricolore 1 and authentic documents
Prerequisite: Approval and recommendation of English and Spanish teachers to begin the study of a third language.
Length of Course: One year
French 2 (Grades 7, 8)
This course is designed for students who have successfully completed French 1. It extends the students´ abilities in the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. The course will reinforce and complete the topics studied in French 1. Students will also learn the immediate future as well as commands. They will learn considerable vocabulary for authentic situations: how to meet and greet people, how to describe their house as well as the courses they take at school, how to order in a café or restaurant, how to ask and understand directions, how to make purchases, to cook crêpes and so on. Interwoven into grammatical and vocabulary lessons are the vibrant culture of France and the rest of the French-speaking world. If a grade 8 student decides to enroll in MS French 2, he or she will take French II in the Upper School.
Primary Resources: Tricolore 1, 2 and authentic documents
Prerequisite: Students need to have demonstrated proficiency in oral and
writing skills of the French 1 course.
New students will have to take a placement test to determine their language proficiency level.
Length of Course: One year
French 3.A (Grades 7, 8)
This course is designed for students who have met the learning objectives of French 2. The course allows students to continue to develop the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Students will continue to acquire more extensive vocabulary and grammatical structures to communicate effectively in authentic situations about everyday life topics using the present, past and future tenses. These topics include, my family and my school, holidays and traditions, vacation and travel, health, environment, and friendship. Students will acquire extensive thematic vocabulary and language structures in order to express their ideas effectively, both orally and in writing. Students will also explore the geography and cultural practices of the French-speaking world through the study of authentic material.
Primary Resources: Panorama Francophone 1 and authentic documents
Prerequisite: Students need to have demonstrated proficiency in oral and
writing skills of French 2. New students will have to take a placement test to determine their language proficiency level.
Length: One year
French 3.B (Grade 8)
This course is designed for grade 8 students who have completed MS French 3, or have taken a placement test and have demonstrated mastery of the content and skills covered in the first 3 years of French in Middle School. French 3.B is intended to further develop students' listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. The focus of the course is on developing proficiency and communicating effectively in French, both orally and in writing. Authentic documents will be used in conjunction with a textbook, online resources, and grammar handouts. Emphasis on speaking and reading with accurate pronunciation and intonation continues. Students will develop their comprehension skills and learn how to speak and write with more fluency and accuracy, paying attention to tenses, verb conjugations, and grammatical rules. Literature will be introduced and students will conduct extensive research to gain more knowledge and understanding of French-speaking cultures around the world.
Primary Resources: Panorama Francophone 2, selected literary texts and authentic documents
Prerequisite: Students need to have demonstrated proficiency in oral and
writing skills of French 3.A. New students will have to take a placement test to determine their language proficiency level.
Length: One year
Visual Arts Exploratory Classes
Important Note: Some exploratory classes may be offered only during a single semester. Also, some exploratory classes may not be available due to scheduling restrictions.
Introduction to Art (Grades 6, 7, 8)
Middle School art students engage in a comprehensive program tailored to introduce them to the 7 Elements of Art using a blend of traditional and innovative materials. Through various units, each element is explored, delving into historical methods, contemporary practices, and personal interpretation. Emphasizing a deeper comprehension of the elements alongside technique exploration, students are evaluated based on their creative process and guided projects recorded in their sketchbooks.
Digital Photography (Grades 6, 7, 8)
Middle School Photography is a technology-based/driven course that exposes the students to both contemporary and traditional photographic techniques and methods. The course involves theoretical, technical, and practical aspects of image creation that include traditional approaches to composition, lighting, and camera use along with experimental techniques that can include any of the following: digital manipulation, physical image alteration (e.g. sewing/drawing/weaving on the printed image) and the exploration of various styles, functions, subject themes, and photographers. The course is structured to encourage students to reflect on their learning and involvement in the class in all areas of the Creative Process. This can take the form of sketchbook entries, Google Slide presentations, verbal/recorded videos, and other formats. The Visual Arts Standards are the core upon which the learning in class is centered.
Graphic Design (Grades 6, 7, 8)
This is a technology-based course that provides the student with a solid base in and exposure to Graphic Design and Design in general. The class is designed to expose the student to concepts involved in composition, layout, design, text, graphics, image creation, and digital manipulation.
3D Computer Animation (Grades 6, 7, 8)
This is a technology-based course that provides the student with a solid base in and exposure to 3D computer animation. The class is designed to expose the student to basic concepts involved in sequential arts including Principles of Animation, Computer Animation Pipeline, and computer-assisted design.
Video Art (Grades 6, 7, 8)
Digital Art (Grades 6, 7, 8)
Introduction to Ceramics (Grades 6, 7, 8)
Introduction to Ceramics is a studio class that will expose the student to a wide range of hand-building techniques using clay. Students will explore and create artwork that will help to build their creative skills and personal style with a focus on sculptural and functional 3D artwork. An emphasis on the Elements of Art will be placed in each lesson including a focus on pinch, coil, and slab. In addition to the creative process, the student will explore traditional and historical ceramic arts as well as the science behind glaze application and other decorative techniques.
Performing Arts Exploratories
Note: All performing arts exploratory classes are full-year classes.
Band 2 (Intermediate)
This year-long course teaches “comprehensive musicianship” through the performance of challenging and varied literature for concert bands including rock, blues, pop, and classical styles. Skills and concepts taught in the beginning band class will be developed and expanded upon. Student learning units will be based on four standards: music literacy; performance skills; musicianship & reflection and; performance practice. Students perform three concerts for the ASM community. Individual growth and achievement are encouraged by taking private lessons or auditioning for the AMIS honor band.
Primary Resources: Tradition of Excellence Book 2 and 3
Prerequisite: One year of instruction on an instrument or teacher approval
Length of Course: One year
Middle School Choir (Grades 6, 7, 8)
This course provides students with an opportunity to be involved in a well-rounded musical setting. Students study music of various time periods, genres, and styles. Students will learn and perform traditional choral repertoire as well as popular and folk music from around the world. By studying a wide range of choral music, students will grow as musicians and performers and will improve their knowledge of basic music theory and sight singing. Students will learn both solo singing and group singing skills. Students will perform at several concerts throughout the school year and will also have the opportunity to audition for various honor choir festivals that take place throughout the year, including the AMIS Honor Boys Choir Festival, AMIS Honor Girls Choir Festival, and the MAIS Honor Choir Festival.
Primary Resources: Selected ensemble and solo repertoire; MusicFirst, a
cloud-based at-home practice program.
Prerequisite: Previous singing experience, or teacher approval
Length of Course: One year
Orchestra 2 (Intermediate)
This year-long course teaches “comprehensive musicianship” through the performance of challenging and varied literature for concert orchestra including rock, blues, pop and classical styles. Skills and concepts taught in the beginning of orchestra class will be developed and expanded upon. Student learning units will be based on four standards: music literacy; performance skills; musicianship & reflection and performance practice. Students perform three concerts for the ASM community. Individual growth and achievement are encouraged by taking private lessons and/or auditioning for the AMIS Honor Orchestra Festival. Advanced string players will also have the opportunity to perform with the Upper School Orchestra and participate in the Iberian Music Festival.
Primary Resources: String Basics Method Book 2 and 3; Rhythm Basics Method Book,
levels 1 and 2, selected ensemble repertoire, selected solo repertoire, and SmartMusic (a cloud-based at-home practice program)
Prerequisite: Two years of instruction on an instrument or teacher approval
Length of Course: One year
Humanities Exploratories
Innovate & Debate: A Creative Exploration (Gr 6,7, 8)
Model United Nations MUN (Grades 6, 7, 8)
The content of the Model United Nations elective includes geography, current world issues, and global politics. Students will learn about one country in particular, and represent that country through in-class mock debates. Throughout the course, students will be developing their critical thinking, research, and writing skills. Regular homework assignments will involve following the news by investigating different news media sources. There will also be a focus on public speaking. MUN is a great way for students to better understand complex global problems that the United Nations currently discusses and at the same time be focused on realistic solutions.
Model United Nations is also offered to middle school students in Grades 6, 7, and 8 as an after-school activity once a week during the first and second half of the school year for those who cannot fit the elective into their schedule. This after-school activity prepares students for two unique experiences: A MUN conference in Europe and Madrid (MADMUN). Each year, a group of students is selected by the MUN Director through an application process to participate in a MUN conference in Europe. Students who are selected to participate in these conferences must be in good standing academically and demonstrate good citizenship at school.
Creative Writing (Grades 6, 7, 8)
In this dynamic writing workshop, students will tap into their creativity by crafting and revising their writing in a variety of genres including short stories, poems, and more. All writers will participate in the “workshop” process to generate ideas, draft, revise, and edit. They’ll acquire strategies to generate ideas, learn from mentor texts, engage in exercises to take risks as writers and participate in the process of getting peer feedback in a non-judgmental environment. Students should expect to come away with a greater knowledge of writing craft, enhanced approaches to revising their work, and a far better understanding of their unique writing style.
Film as Literature (Grades 6, 7, 8)
The class is designed to show students how film is a form of literature. By viewing classic and modern American films, students will learn that good film, like good literature, has certain elements in common. Students will be expected to understand motifs, symbols, metaphors, allusions, plots, themes, and other literary elements as they relate to both film and literature. In addition, students will develop an appreciation for the interaction of film elements such as scripting, directing, acting, producing, lighting, sound, music, editing, cinematography, and special effects. Students will learn to recognize such film genres as drama, comedy, western, science-fiction, mystery, and action/adventure. Students will use their knowledge of the various elements of cinema to analyze and critique films studied in class. Assessment will include class discussions, notebook checks, film reviews, oral film critique, and a project.
Drama (Grades 6, 7, 8)
This course aims to pursue drama as a means of nurturing teamwork, promoting communication, improving confidence levels, and gaining personal satisfaction from collaborating with one’s peers. Skills include but are not limited to, pantomime, trust exercises, improvisation, acting techniques, use of character, monologues, script writing, history of theater, and the production process
STEM Exploratory Classes
Technology and Innovation (Grades 6, 7, 8)
The new technology curriculum for Middle School students will incorporate a concept-based approach to learning, allowing students to explore technology through a broader lens. Rather than focusing on individual subject areas such as Media Production, Computer Programming, Robotics, and Future Technology, the curriculum will integrate these fields of study through overarching concepts.
Gardening (Grades 6, 7, 8)
Learning Support Classes
Students receive support in the following areas based on identified needs. The decision to take a support class will be made in consultation with the student’s classroom teachers and the learning support teachers.
Literacy 6, 7, 8
Literacy is for students who have been assessed by teachers as needing intensive English language reading and writing instruction that supplements the regular English class. Students benefit from small group and 1:1 instruction to reach individualized achievement goals in both areas. Students will learn strategies for approaching fiction and nonfiction texts, skills that will carry across content areas. Focused word-study instruction will arm students with ways of approaching new words in their texts. Students will refine skills in each stage of the writing process; planning and organizing ideas, drafting, revising for word choice and sentence structure, and editing for grammar, mechanics, and usage.
Math Foundations 6, 7, 8
Math Foundations is for students who have been identified as needing support in addition to the regular Math class. Support is designed to develop students’ math knowledge and develop skills to help them be successful both within and beyond the classroom, including:
Making sense of problems
Reasoning abstractly and quantitatively
Constructing viable arguments and critiquing the reasoning of others
Modeling with mathematics
Using appropriate tools strategically
Attending to precision
Support will cover several key foundational skills and concepts that span four main strands: 1) number sense 2) algebraic expressions and equations 3) geometry, and 4) statistics. More specifically, this course will support students with learning current content while also strengthening weaknesses in foundational mathematics.
Study Skills 7, 8
Study Skills improve learning effectiveness, attitude, and motivation. Through self-reflection and examination of both their work and study habits, students come to understand their strengths and weaknesses as learners. Once identified, students develop individualized study plans that address their needs. Aspects of these plans include habits of organization, time management, self-monitoring, note-taking, studying, test-taking, and critical thinking. The course provides students with a variety of strategies to build these habits, as well as opportunities for guided practice and reflection on their growth as learners.