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School Counselors

Dedicated school counselors in each division support the ASM learning community in a number of ways. Our counselors provide guidance and support to students and families with a variety of issues including study habits, friendships, and healthy relationships. Counselors work closely with the Learner Support teams and grade-level teams to design activities and resources for the advisory program in the Middle and Upper Schools. Counselors also support individual students through periods of stress and anxiety, and other social and emotional health concerns.

LS Counselors

A woman with blonde hair wearing a black dress

 Melissa Marsh

Oceane Langreney

MS Counselor

Middle School Counselor, Josh. He is wearing a blue shirt, has a beard and is smiling.

Joshua Chambers

US Counselor

Upper School Counselor Tessa. She is wearing a black dress with stripes and is smiling

Tessa John Guerra